#!/bin/bash # written by sotirk on a cloudy day in May, 2018 # requested by little stuie martin # no incident number because thats how i roll.... # remove xml files with date stamps + 90 days in the past for days in `seq 90 95`; do SMASHDATE=$(date -d "-${days} day" +%Y%m%d); # remove xml older than 92 days based on filename (catchup) echo "*** removing xml files with $SMASHDATE in the filename" /usr/bin/find /home/epg/ -type f -name \*${SMASHDATE}.xml -exec rm {} \; done # sweeper for removing anything older than 6 months echo "*** now running 6 month sweeper to catch old things" /usr/bin/find /home/epg/ -type f -name \*.x\* -mtime +180 -exec rm {} \;